OverlayBitmap.GetGraphics Method

The method retrieves a Graphics object that represents the overlay bitmap as a GDI+ drawing surface.
public System.Drawing.Graphics GetGraphics();
Return Value:

A Graphics object usable for drawing operations on the overlay bitmap.


Run time only. Only after ICImagingControl.LiveStart has been called once.


If the returned Graphics object is no longer used, an application must call OverlayBitmap.ReleaseGraphics to release the object.


This Basic example demonstrates how do drawing operations with the graphics object.

OverlayBitmap ob = ICImagingControl1.OverlayBitmapAtPath[PathPositions.Device]; System.Drawing.Graphics gfx = ob.GetGraphics(); System.Drawing.Pen pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Green); gfx.DrawLine(pen, 0, 0, 80, 60); ob.ReleaseGraphics(gfx);
See also: OverlayBitmap, OverlayBitmap.ReleaseGraphics, ICImagingControl.LiveStart

<< ICImagingControl.OverlayBitmap