IVCDPropertyItems::findInterface Method

Searches the collection for a IVCDPropertyInterface with a given combination of item, element and interface id.
smart_com<IVCDPropertyInterface> findInterface( const GUID& itemID, const wchar_t* pElementName,
                                                              const GUID& itfTypeID = GUID_NULL ) const;
smart_com<IVCDPropertyInterface> findInterface( const GUID& itemID, const GUID& elementID,
                                                              const GUID& itfTypeID = GUID_NULL ) const;

Parameter Description

Specifies the ItemID for which to search.


Specifies the elementID of the element that the item should contain.


Specifies the name of the element that the itme should contain.


Specifies the interfaceID, defaults to GUID_NULL.

Return value:

If the collection contains an item with an interface matching the given interface path, the findInterface method returns a pointer to the IVCDPropertyInterface. If the interface is not found, 0 is returned.

See also: IVCDPropertyItems, IVCDPropertyItem, IVCDPropertyInterface, Standard Property Item GUIDs, Standard Element GUIDs, Standard Interface GUIDs

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