InitLibraryWithoutCOM Method

This function initializes the IC Imaging Control class library without initilzing the COM library.
bool    InitLibraryWithoutCOM();
Return value:

The method returns true on success, otherwise it returns false.


InitLibraryWithoutCOM or InitLibrary must be called at the start of an application. For every call to InitLibraryWithoutCOM there should be a corresponding call to ExitLibrary


Namespace: DShowLib
Introduced in version 3.5


This example demonstrates how to use InitLibraryWithoutCOM when you already called CoInitialize

OleInitialize(); // or  CoInitialize( 0 );

// ...

if( !DShowLib::InitLibraryWithoutCOM() )
    return false;

See also: InitLibrary, ExitLibrary

<< Functions